“It’s time to recognize the full rights and privileges of citizenship to all residents of the remaining 5 U.S. territories, Washington, DC, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands, that the residents of the states enjoy including influence over the shaping of US law and voting representation in Congress.”

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Court declines to take up petition seeking to overturn Insular Cases. Oct 17, 2022. https://www.statehoodforwashingtondc.com/2022/10/17/court-declines-to-take-up-petition-seeking-to-overturn-insular-cases/

“DC Statehood Explained.” Brennan Center for Justice, 13 June 2022, https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/dc-statehood-explained.

“Congress to Vote on D.C. Statehood.” Puerto Rico 51st, 19 June 2020, https://www.pr51st.com/congress-to-vote-on-d-c-statehood/.

“Statehood For D.C.” Statehood.dc.gov, https://statehood.dc.gov/.

Widerquist, Karl. “The Case for Five New States.” OpenDemocracy, 5 May 2021, https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/beyond-trafficking-and-slavery/case-five-new-states/.

S.51 – Washington, D.C. Admission Act 117th Congress (2021-2022) https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/s51/BILLS-117s51is.pdf