“It’s time to recognize the full rights and privileges of citizenship to all residents of the remaining 5 U.S. territories, Washington, DC, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands, that the residents of the states enjoy including influence over the shaping of US law and voting representation in Congress.”

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Our Mission 

5 U.S. Territories mission is to raise awareness that the remaining 5 U.S. territories deserve political representation and statehood, the U.S. Congress is empowered to grant.  In hopes of ending over 200 years of systemic inequality and denial of the full rights and privileges of citizenship to the residents of Washington, DC, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands, that the residents of states enjoy including influence over the shaping of US law and voting representation in Congress.

These American citizens and residents of the remaining 5 U.S. territories are constitutionally entitled to the same rights as those in the other 50 states. Residents of the District are obligated to fulfill all of their citizenship requirements, including paying taxes, voting, and serving on juries and in the military. Despite this,  they have been denied any say in the national government and control over their local affairs for more than 200 years. They will finally have representation in the US Congress and authority over their state and local governments if the residential and business areas of DC are admitted as a state.